Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Against all enemies

I've renamed the blog "Against All Enemies" as per our recent discussion.

And I should have some new posts coming soon.


  1. Welcome back Luke!

    I know you don't like writing about Aussie politics, but can you please reassure the American public that the Land Down Under will give John Howard the boot this November?

  2. P.S.- I have a friend who is Australian-American who is pretty high up in corporate America (a VP for a large telecom firm). So he is no Marxist left winger. And even HE thinks Howard is a wanker.

  3. thanks miguel.

    i can't necessarily assure you that Howard will be beaten, but i can assure you that he is a wanker...

    (actually, howard is down something like 10% points, so it's looking good)

  4. The new name is fine Luke ..... Just keep on posting .
