Tuesday, June 5, 2007

New home

This is my new home. My old home is here.

There's nothing happening here yet.


  1. Luxoxoxoxoxo.....



  2. Anxiously awaiting tips on successful lobbying. :)

  3. awwwwwwww...i feel so empty. just left an emotional comment at yr old place and i just don't know what to say here, apart from i meant every word in my comment back there.

    i'm eagerly awaiting for you to begin writing but then again, i'm wanting you to be all refreshed and alert and aware.


  4. hi there... found your old place thru Rimone and I really enjoyed it. Looking forward to more stuff here in your new home. (xamichee here, btw)

  5. i've been missing your posts and i'm terribly curious about what happened... you have been on such a roll with the sibel story and so often on the cutting edge of so many other stories... suddenly closing down like this seems unnaturally abrupt and totally unanticipated, at least by me... tell me there isn't any external pressure being exerted on you... your energy and insight is needed...

  6. rmadrazo - thnx.

    anon - successful lobbying is easy. pay bribes!

    Prof - thnx. there was no external pressure. i'll continue working on the same issues...

  7. xamichee, i'm thrilled to see you here (everytime someone who reads me actually checks out the links to others' sites i've posted, i get like a rush of some sort, similar to either happiness or good drugs.

    talk to you tonight in Church? and if not tonight, i'm hoping wednesday night at the usual place (Church).

    Lukery, we're watching you and i, for one, am eagerly awaiting your return. btw, Xamichee's in Mexico...i wish we could add him to the WIIF4 Global Strike Force.

    plus, i can't help but noticing that Lee B seems to be taking this very badly and i don't blame her. c'mon out, Lee, as Mao Tse Dong sed 'change must come' (at the barrel of a gun) and although as you know, i hate change (like a kitty or an old person--oh wait, lol) we must be patient (listen to me -- the most impatient person EVar) and see what Luke has up his sleeve.

  8. can't help wondering with this new Riggs/Bandar stuff coming out, where
    Sibel Edmonds stands on these recent revelations? Any thoughts?

  9. Hey . . .

    I'm not getting any younger, Lukery.

  10. oldschool - great to see you back online. we've missed you in these parts.

    unclescam - i've been meaning to write up a post on that. you'll have something soon.

    Mizgin - you and i both... great posts this week btw.

  11. HA! My computer is collected all in one place and finally hooked back up after my move the first week in May. I'm still surrounded by boxes and assorted other unfinished tasks, but Lordy, does it ever feel good to finally be back online!!!

    Rimone - or anyone - since I be the keeper of the GSF Map, just send me the dope (baxtl AT hotmail.com) and I'll put it on there. Then we have to figure out where to put the newly updated GSF map, unless Luke wants to park it here (Well??? . . . )

    I just posted a comment over at wiig4 about maybe starting up a GSF Message Board, but on the other hand, if Lukery is going to carry on here, something tells me we'll soon be able to sense the low rumble of the stampede over to this new site. :-)

    Hey, OldSchool!!! Good to see you coming up for air!

  12. Great new site luke ! Glad to see you back at it .
